X-Cel’s specialty GP lens designs are a great option for patients who are unhappy with their vision with conventional soft contact lens wear and are an excellent solution for patients with keratoconus. Scleral GP designs, like our Atlantis lens, have been known to offer comfort as well as, or better than a conventional soft lens. In addition to solving irregular cornea vision problems, Scleral GP lenses have also been used to offer relief from moderate to severe dry eye symptoms.
The Atlantis Scleral design is easy to fit and comfortable for your patients. The fitting philosophy is based on the premise of customizing the lens fit by manipulating 3 different zones to control the sagittal height relationship of the lens to the anterior ocular surface. This produces one of the widest ranges of lens sagittal depths in the industry.
The Apex lens design for keratoconus incorporates a number of fitting forgiveness factors to simplify fitting the keratoconus patient. These inherent design properties are intended to aid the practitioner in managing the various topographies seen with this corneal disorder. This new proprietary lens design is based upon the belief that those patients who are successful with gas permeable lens designs must be fitted with a lens that minimizes apical interaction, and avoids impingement of the peripheral cornea, specifically in the superior quadrant.
The Titan™ lens is indicated for the management of irregular cornea conditions.
It is a large diameter gas permeable lens with an aspheric posterior surface. This posterior surface keeps the large diameter lens from becoming too tight in the peripheral and mid-peripheral area of the cornea. More than one aspheric value of eccentricity is available with the Titan design.
The Pinnacle aspheric comfort design is intended for the myopic or hyperopic patient who shows moderate to high amounts of with the rule corneal and refractive astigmatism.
The Pinnacle lens design is a continuous aspheric concave geometry design with adjustable edge lifts to aid in fit and comfort.
From pediatric to presbyope, X-Cel’s custom soft contact lens designs offer solutions for hard-to-fit eyes. The custom soft lenses offer a wider range of parameters than conventional soft lenses for a more customized fit. From sphere to toric and irregular cornea designs, be rest assured your patient has options with X-Cel’s custom soft lenses.
The Flexlens ARC, Atypical Refractive Correction, is a custom soft lens design that fits like a regular toric contact lens.
With no need to worry about peripheral curves or any other parameter that may complicate the fit, the ARC is easy to fit, thus reducing chair time.
This lens is indicated for the visual correction of various ocular conditions including keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, corneal transplants, post refractive surgery and/or any irregular cornea conditions.
The Flexlens Toric Lens is indicated for daily wear use for the correction of visual acuity in aphakic and non-aphakic patients with non-diseased eyes with myopia or hyperopia and possesses refractive astigmatism not exceeding 10.00D.
The Flexlens Tri-Curve Keratoconus Lens is based on a tricurve posterior design. The optical success of the design is based on the standard center thickness that ranges from .45 to .65mm which is often thicker tan the keratoconus cornea itself. The design incorporates a flat secondary curve of 1.2mm to flatter depending on the base curve. A scleral curve with a radius of 2.2mm to 2.8mm flatter, depending on the base curve, is added peripherally to align with the scleral curve of the eye. For those patients who exhibit high degrees of irregular astigmatism, they may be better served with the Flexlens ARC design.
The Flexlens Post Refractive Lens is indicated for daily wear use for the correction of refractive ametropia and specialized use such as atypical ametropia following corneal refractive surgery.
The Post Refractive Lens function allows the central optical portion of the lens to be flatter than the mid-periphery. The optical zone has a thickness of approximately .28mm at –1.00D, which provides stable optics over the central cornea. The peripheral lens carrier is as thin as, or thinner than, any standard soft lens to ensure maximum oxygen permeability to the peripheral cornea, limbus and conjunctiva.
The Flexlens Piggyback Lens design is ideal for the patient who requires the optics of a rigid lens but has difficulty with the initial comfort of that material. This lens is indicated where centralization is difficult to achieve due to an irregular corneal surface. Patients who would beneft from this design could have: Beginning to advanced keratoconus, Refractive corneal surgery, Pellucid marginal degeneration, Corneal trauma, Terrien’s marginal degeneration, Corneal surface disease, Penetrating Keratoplasty.
The Piggyback Lens incorporates a central circular depression into the anterior surface of the soft lens carrier. The design recesses the GP lens within the soft lens eliminating upper lid dislodgment and maintaining centration of the GP optics over the pupil.
The Flexlens Aphakic is a custom soft lens designed for adult and pediatric aphakics. It is indicated for daily wear use for the correction of refractive ametropia and specialized use such as atypical ametropia.
The lens is available for those patients who have undergone cataract removal either as a child or an adult. The range of available lens parameters makes it an ideal lens for any patient who cannot tolerate a GP lens afer surgery.
The Flexlens Spherical Lens is indicated for Daily Wear use for the correction of higher degrees ofametropia. The lens is available in a large diameter with or without a thick edge and also with 1.50D or 2.00D of prism.
Standard soft lens fitting principles apply to the Flexlens Spherical Lens. Lens selection should be 4.00D flatter than the patient’s flattest keratometric value.There should be lens centration with 1.0 to 1.5mm of limbal draping and lens movement should be minimal, 0.25 to 0.50mm in primary position with normal blink.
Saphir RX es una lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona con un alto contenido de agua y baja deshidratación, con superficie de alta lubricidad, (CoF = 0,02). Su bajo módulo de elasticidad (0.33 Mpa) mejora el confort del lente y garantiza simultáneamente calidad visual y facilidad de uso durante todo el ciclo de vida del lente.
Gentle 59 is a bio-inspired hydrogel lens designed to imitate the natural properties of the cornea. It combines high surface lubricity (CoF = 0.05) with low dehydration (< 1%) for excellent comfort, and its modulus (0.36 Mpa) has been carefully calibrated to achieve optimal handling and vision quality throughout the lens’ lifecyle, without reducing comfort or health.
Saphir RX is a silicone hydrogel lens, featuring a comfortable high water content, low dehydration material with a highly lubricious surface (CoF= 0.02).
Its low modulus (0.33 Mpa) adds to the comfort of the lens whilst ensuring vision quality and easy handling throughout the lens’ life cycle.
Quattro provides spherical, toric and multifocal correction in multiple diameters for patients already accustomed to a 1-year lens replacement.
Xtensa Rx is a monthly contact lens lathed from our proven hydrogel material. It offers a wide range of parameters to meet virtually all prescriptions. Its blue visibility tint ensures an easy handling.
Blu:ssentials is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its select range of parameters offers patients with standard prescriptions protection from UV and blue light originating from the sun, ambient LED lighting at home and in public spaces, and mobile devices.
Quattro provides spherical, toric and multifocal correction in multiple diameters for patients already accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Equilibria provides a non-silicone option, featuring good water retention and tensile properties, for patients already accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Saphir provides comfortable, healthy contact lens wear to patients accustomed to a 3-monthly lens replacement.
Blu:kidz is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its child-friendly range of diameters makes it possible to fit even the smallest of eyes, whilst its green handling tint and high water content, low dehydration material provide improved handling and comfort-perfect for first-time contact lens wearers!
Blu:gen is a silicone hydrogel lens, combining a Class 1 UV Filter with selective Blue Light Blocking to protect the eye from upwards of 99% of UVB, 93% of UVA, and 14% of harmful blue-violet light. Its high water content, low dehydration material featuring the lowest modulus of all silicone hydrogels on the market (0.25 Mpa) offers your patients a healthy, comfortable all-day wearing experience.
Gentle 80 is a bio-inspired hydrogel lens designed to imitate the natural properties of the cornea. Its material combines high water content, low dehydration, and the lowest modulus on the market (0.13 MPa) with oxygen transmissiblity that reaches silicone hydrogel levels (Dk = 60), achieving award-winning comfort and health.
Quattro nos permite corregir potencias esféricas, tóricas y multifocales en diferentes diámetros para aquellos pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo anual.
Xtensa Rx es un lente de contacto de hidrogel desarrollado a partir del hidrogel convencional.
Se caracteriza por cilindros disponibles hasta -5.75D que añade una gama tórica personalizable a la gama de lentes moldeados.
Blu:ssentials es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo contra más del 99% de rayos UVB, el 93% de rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. Su gama seleccionada de parámetros ofrece a los pacientes con prescripciones estándar la protección contra la luz ultravioleta y la luz azul del sol y de la iluminación LED en ámbito doméstico, en los espacios públicos y de los dispositivos móviles.
Quattro nos permite corregir potencias esféricas, tóricas y multifocales en diferentes diámetros para aquellos pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo anual.
Equilibria es la alternativa sin silicona, con excelentes propiedades de retención de agua y tensoras para los pacientes acostumbrados al reemplazo trimestral de los lentes de contacto.
Blu:kidz es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo en un 99% contra los rayos UVB, el 93% de los rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. La gama de diámetros enfocada a los niños favorece su adaptación también en los ojos más pequeños, mientras que el tinte de manipulación verde, el alto contenido en agua y el material de baja deshidratación garantizan una mejor facilidad de uso y confort: perfecta para los nuevos usuarios.
Blu:gen es un lente de contacto de hidrogel de silicona que combina un filtro UV de Clase 1 con un filtro selectivo de la luz azul para proteger el ojo en un 99% contra los rayos UVB, el 93% de los rayos UVA y el 14% de la luz azul-violeta nociva. El material cuenta con un alto contenido en agua y baja deshidratación, con el módulo de elasticidad más bajo (0.25 Mpa) entre todos los hidrogeles de silicona disponibles en el mercado. Todo esto ofrece a tus pacientes lentes saludables y cómodas para usar durante todo el día.
Gentle 59 es un lente de hidrogel biomimética diseñada para imitar las propiedades naturales de la córnea. Su material combina una elevada lubricidad de la superficie (CoF = 0.05) con una baja deshidratación (<1%) para un confort excelente. Su módulo de elasticidad (0.36 Mpa) ha sido calibrado cuidadosamente para obtener una óptima manipulación y una excelente calidad visual durante todo el ciclo de vida del lente sin comprometer salud ni comodidad.
Saphir representa una familia de lentes blandos mensuales y trimestrales fabricados individualmente con hidrogel de silicona, el material más avanzado del mercado, que maximiza el flujo de oxígeno al ojo. Su combinación única de comodidad, transpirabilidad y calidad de visión se adapta incluso al usuario de lentes de contacto más exigente.
Gentle 80 es un lente de hidrogel biomimético diseñado para imitar las propiedades naturales de la córnea. Su material combina un alto contenido en agua, una baja deshidratación y el módulo de elasticidad más bajo del mercado (0.13 MPa), así como una transmisibilidad al oxígeno que alcanza los niveles del hidrogel de silicona (Dk = 60), para lograr una comodidad y salud visual inigualables.